The Wives Group

Your fitness journey is similar to your spiritual journey.

You might stop and it’s hard to get back into it but once you’re consistent, it’s something you hunger for. 

I lead a group of Christian Wives in bi-monthly meetings (and never-ending group chat!) that focus on faith, family, and how we can be better women not only for ourselves but for those we’re surrounded by. This community is something I’ve been a part of since becoming a wife in 2016 and originated at my church in Brooklyn. Now, only a few of us still go to that original church but have remained connected throughout the years. I’ve been leading since 2017 and it’s been both challenging and rewarding! The biggest thing I’ve learned throughout my leadership is the importance of transparency. Through the highs and lows of my own marriage, the ladies don’t want a ‘perfect’ leader. The ‘perfect’ leader comes through honestly sharing my stories, struggles, wins, and losses, I can be a relatable friend to each of them.

In April 2022, I planned and co-led our first-ever weekend getaway! We flew up my mentor, Juliette Ross, from Dallas and the theme of the weekend was “Renewal.” We wanted the ladies to feel refreshed, revitalized, and refilled going back to their families back in New York and New Jersey. At the retreat, I led a ‘sunrise workout’ with 8 of the ladies to set us up for the rest of the day. They were challenged, but little did they know, that was my very first group fitness course, EVER! Talk about challenged! The retreat was honestly life-changing, not only for myself but for us as a group. We came together and cried, laughed, sang, and danced without a care in the world (or a diaper to change!) I want to be honest with myself and my commitments, so I didn’t say it was the first annual retreat, but WHO KNOWS what the future holds!

Wives Retreat | April 2022


4 Years Sober


Pregnant & Postpartum in the Pandemic